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jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

PCB CadSoft Eagle Professional v5.2.0

CadSoft Eagle Professional v5.2.0

CadSoft Eagle Professional v5.2.0

If you are looking for an easy to use, powerful and affordable schematic capture and printed circuit board design package that gets the job done, EAGLE is the number 1 choice! EAGLE provides a schematic editor, for designing circuit diagrams and a tightly integrated PCB layout editor, which automatically starts off with all of the components required by the schematic. Components are manually arranged on the board, with the help of coloured lines showing the eventual connections between pins that are required by the schematic, to aid in finding a placement that will allow the most efficient track layout. It also provides a good autorouter, which once the components have been placed will attempt to automatically find an optimal track layout to make the electrical connections.

It does not always manage to find a way of routing all the signals, although it permits manual routing of critical paths such as power and high frequency lines before letting the autorouter handle the other connections.


3 comentarios:

  1. Este es el link para descargar los archivos que nos pidio comprimidos:

    El video todavia no lo podemos subir ya que youtube nos dice que se produce un rerror desconocido
    García Licea Fracisco David
    García Tapia Louri Adan
    Gonzalez Venegas Hector Francisco

  2. Este es el link para descargar nuestro video lo pusimos para descargar por que youtube no nos permitio subirlo, nos seguia poniendo que se producia un error desconocido


    García licea Francisco David
    García Tapia louri Adan
    Gonzalez Venegas Hector Francisco

  3. cuando es el extra de practicas de DAC


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